Everything about Obsidian


Obsidian (Obsidian) is a common black medium and low-grade gemstone, also known as natural glass, is a naturally occurring glass. Produced in the United States, Japan and Indonesia and other places. In the crystal family, obsidian is extremely powerful in removing negative energy from thermal power plants. Among the ancient Chinese Buddhist cultural relics, there are quite a few obsidian sacred objects or Buddha statues related to town houses or warding off evil spirits. Obsidian is also the best gemstone for Buddha's practice and offering. Its color is transparent, black or dark black green, and it may be all single color, or striped, or speckled. Mainly due to the rapid cooling and condensation of volcanic lava, the crystal structure does not have enough time to grow. Obsidian is usually found on the periphery of a lava flow because it cools the fastest.


Introduction to Obsidian

Obsidian is a kind of igneous rock, not crystal, crystal is crystal, although the composition of obsidian is mainly SiO2 (silicon dioxide). Obsidian is amorphous and microcrystalline colloidal SiO2, not glass. It is formed after the rapid cooling of volcanic lava, so it is difficult to crystallize. It is an amorphous gem with a shell-shaped fracture. Obsidian may be entirely monochromatic, or striped, or spotted. The inclusion of young crystals and hair crystals is an identifying feature. Some inclusions obsidian have a non-metallic sheen, while others have internal bubbles or crystals that create a "snowflake" effect (ie, snowflake obsidian) or an iridescent color that is seen as sparkling. The most famous is Rainbow Obsidian with rainbow flash, and some articles are elliptical, forming commonly known as single-eyed obsidian or double-eyed obsidian, and if you look at the price, rainbow single-eyed obsidian and rainbow double-eyed black. Yao is the most expensive, because in addition to the relatively rare production, the appearance is also quite beautiful. In addition, there is another kind of ice obsidian. However, what is ice obsidian? Ice obsidian comes from the Hekla volcano in Iceland. The age is the oldest among obsidian, and it absorbs the essence of day and night in the purest period. It nurtures the purest energy between heaven and earth. It is a very rare energy stone with high transparency and is the best among obsidian. The characteristic of the ice obsidian is that the surface is pure black, and it becomes brown when illuminated by strong light, which is the ice obsidian.

Ice obsidian is a kind of obsidian with much higher transparency than ordinary obsidian. It is called ice obsidian. The color is lighter than ordinary obsidian. This is because ice will transmit light, so the color is lighter. The characteristics of ice seeds are that the outer surface is very shiny, translucent to transparent, clear and water-like, giving people the feeling of ice and jade, and the appearance and appearance of ice crystals. The grain size is uniform, the grains can be discerned by the naked eye, the jadeite is pure and has few impurities, the texture is fine and smooth, and there is no cracked cotton pattern or scarcity. The beads are dark brown and slightly frosted, while the small beads are more transparent, similar to citrine, but not as clear as citrine.

Obsidian takes its name from Abu Saiddin, a Roman who is said to have brought the first gemstone to Rome from Lake Shara in Ethiopia. Obsidian is a kind of natural glass formed by the rapid cooling of volcanic lava, which is a non-pure crystalline crystal gem. Obsidian extremely wards off evil spirits and can strongly dissolve negative energy. Among the ancient Chinese Buddhist cultural relics, there are quite a few obsidian sacred objects or Buddha statues related to town houses or warding off evil spirits. Obsidian is also the best gemstone for Buddha to practice almsgiving. Among the crystal family, Obsidian is also one of the crystals with the strongest exclusion of negative energy.

Obsidian may be entirely monochromatic, or striped, or spotted. Some inclusions give obsidian a metallic sheen, while internal bubbles or crystals create a "snowflake" effect (i.e. snowflake obsidian) or an iridescent color that is seen as sparkling. The most famous is Rainbow Obsidian with rainbow flash, and some articles are elliptical, forming commonly known as single-eyed obsidian or double-eyed obsidian, and if you look at the price, rainbow single-eyed obsidian and rainbow double-eyed obsidian. It is the highest price, because in addition to the relatively rare production, the appearance is also quite beautiful.

Rainbow Obsidian RainbowObsidian has an energy magnetic field that is similar to rainbow light, in other words, it has a considerable effect on the fulfillment of things and the fulfillment of wishes. In addition, rainbow obsidian is also one of the best gems for Buddha's practice. For the home, placing obsidian is also the best guardian stone to ward off evil spirits in the town house.

Snowflake obsidian is an extremely dark, opaque lustrous gemstone with large white patches caused by air bubbles or potassium in the body.

2 The efficacy and role of obsidian
Obsidian, also known as natural glass, is a naturally occurring glass. It is caused by the rapid cooling and condensation of volcanic lava, resulting in a crystalline structure. Obsidian is usually found on the periphery of a lava flow because it cools the fastest.

Obsidian is the most absorbing spar among all spar. It can quickly suck the nearby miscellaneous air or negative energy into its inner invisible space. It can bring the excess energy on the human body to the bottom of the sea and relieve discomfort.

Obsidian can prevent villains, sick qi, turbid qi, ward off evil spirits and turn evil spirits. It is a good amulet, and people with bad luck can wear it to turn their luck. Helps sleep, easy to fall asleep.

Obsidian has an extreme effect of warding off evil spirits, which can avoid the interference of negative energy, can strongly resolve negative energy, and can also remove unpleasant musty smell and bad luck. Whether it is worn close to the body or placed in the home, it is the best guardian stone in life. !

Obsidian bracelets are generally worn on the right hand. Obsidian corresponds to the bottom of the sea, which can help to expel sickness and turbidity from the body, which is of great help to the body and personal luck. To ward off evil spirits and turn evil spirits, put them on the home, and it is used for town house. The belts of sheep, monkeys and dragons can help with fortune.

3 The formation process of obsidian
The formation process of obsidian
Obsidian, also known as natural glass, is a naturally occurring glass. It is caused by the rapid cooling and condensation of volcanic lava, resulting in a crystalline structure. Obsidian is usually found on the periphery of a lava flow because it cools the fastest.

Obsidian is the most absorbing spar among all spar. It can quickly suck the nearby miscellaneous air or negative energy into its inner invisible space. It can bring the excess energy on the human body to the bottom of the sea and relieve discomfort.

Obsidian can prevent villains, sick qi, turbid qi, ward off evil spirits and turn evil spirits. It is a good amulet, and people with bad luck can wear it to turn their luck. Helps sleep, easy to fall asleep.

Obsidian has an extreme effect of warding off evil spirits, which can avoid the interference of negative energy, can strongly resolve negative energy, and can also remove unpleasant musty smell and bad luck. Whether it is worn close to the body or placed in the home, it is the best guardian stone in life. !

Obsidian bracelets are generally worn on the right hand. Obsidian corresponds to the bottom of the sea, which can help to expel sickness and turbidity from the body, which is of great help to the body and personal luck. To ward off evil spirits and turn evil spirits, put them on the home, and it is used for town house. The belts of sheep, monkeys and dragons can help with fortune.

4 Obsidian Features
1. Gems for practice Among the ancient Chinese Buddhist cultural relics, there are many obsidian sacred objects and various Buddha statues about the town house to ward off evil spirits. Obsidian has always been regarded as a gem that wards off evil spirits and can powerfully dissolve negative energy, so it is still the best gem for Buddha to practice.

2. The gem obsidian, which is used to ward off evil spirits, has strong and pure energy, so it can be placed in places with heavy evil spirits, or even made into obsidian Buddha statues. The effect of warding off evil spirits is even better.

3. The gem obsidian that improves insomnia corresponds to the bottom chakra, so it is very useful for stability and peace. Even if there are sick people or insomnia, wearing obsidian will help to improve.

4. Gems for divination In the Mayan temples of Mexico, obsidian is often used as the eyes of mythical beasts and statues, or as weapons. For Mexicans, obsidian has special divinity, so it is the best tool for divination.

5. The legend of the gem that does not cry, whoever owns this black obsidian will never have to cry again, because the girls of Apache have shed all tears for you and give the obsidian to the person you like, meaning Stop crying and be happy.

5 How to wear obsidian
How to wear obsidian
Almost all crystals are worn on the left hand, but obsidian is worn on the right hand. Obsidian belongs to absorbing energy. Wearing obsidian on the right hand helps to absorb the negative energy of oneself, including relatively unclean things. Or sick, so it is recommended that everyone should wear the obsidian bracelet on the right hand.

It itself can absorb a large amount of negative energy, but it will not clear it, so within a certain period of time, it is necessary to completely purify the obsidian.

Of course, it is best to use geode crystal cluster purification if conditions permit, and purification work is best done 2-3 times a month. It itself is very absorbent, and if it is not purified in time, it may have a bad effect on the body. There is a moonlight bath. It is recommended to shine the moonlight on the fifteenth full moon for one night. You can also wash it with running water for 1 minute. The easiest way is to soak it in pure water overnight.

6 Dos and Don'ts of Obsidian
Obsidian has an extreme effect of warding off evil spirits, which can avoid the interference of negative energy, and can strongly resolve negative energy. Obsidian corresponds to the bottom of the sea, which can help to expel sickness and turbidity from the body, which is of great help to the body and personal luck. To ward off evil spirits and turn evil spirits, put them on the home, and it is used for town house. The belts of sheep, monkeys and dragons can help with fortune.

Obsidian is the most absorbing spar among all spar. It can quickly suck the nearby miscellaneous air or negative energy into its inner invisible space. It can bring the excess energy on the human body to the bottom of the sea and relieve discomfort. Obsidian can prevent villains, sick qi, turbid qi, ward off evil spirits and turn evil spirits. It is a good amulet, and people with bad luck can wear it to turn their luck. Helps sleep, easy to fall asleep.

The variability and energy of obsidian has always been covered with a mysterious veil. But through the personal experience of many friends, it does have a very powerful effect of warding off evil spirits, not only avoiding the interference of negative energy, but also putting it at home to eliminate the unpleasant musty smell and bad luck, wearing or placing it at home can become a The best guardian stone.

7 ways to identify obsidian
How to identify obsidian
If the size of the obsidian is small, the weight may also be very light, so it is not possible to distinguish the true from the false only by the weight.

The method of identifying the true and false: stick the obsidian placed in the normal temperature environment on the human body to feel its coolness, the one with extreme ice feeling is true. In addition, if your obsidian is an obsidian with rainbow eyes, you can know whether it is true or not without using the previous method to identify it. Therefore, rainbow eyes are only found in naturally formed obsidian of medium and high quality. There are often many small bubble inclusions in black sapphire, and the interior is fluid. However, because the color of the black yao stone is too dark, if there is no strong light flashlight, I am afraid it cannot be seen. However, if there is a strong light flashlight, then you only need to use a strong light flashlight to illuminate the black yao stone, you will find that the color of the black yao stone is not black, but dark brown or dark brown yellow, then you can It is determined that this is a black Yaoshi.

Because there are not many varieties of gemstones similar to Heiyao stone, such as: coal essence (feeling nearly half lighter than Heiyao stone), black agate (opaque, and Heiyao stone is translucent-transparent). And because Hei Yaoyan is a low-grade gem, its value is not very high, so no one will spend too much time forging it.

For those who like black gemstones, they can choose these two gemstones according to their own preferences. In addition to their properties of warding off evil spirits, they can also play a very cool modification role when wearing them.

8 ways to purify obsidian
1: Degaussing can be used when obsidian is generally needed: Degaussing with Imperial Salt. There are two ways to use the degaussing method. One is to mix the Omori salt and mineral water and pour it into a cup or bowl, and then put the spar into it. Degaussing can last for 1 month. The second is to buy special large-grained gomori salt and put it on a plate or a plate. Bury the spar with the royal salt. This effect is very good, degaussing can be used for 3 months at a time. Also called 100-day degaussing.

2: Special degaussing tools such as sea chrysanthemum can be used for degaussing. The sea chrysanthemum is generally 10 to 15 cm in diameter and has a flaky pattern, usually white, but also blue, purple, golden yellow, light green, etc. White is rarer and has better degaussing effect. For crystal degaussing, the process of degaussing can be understood as straightening the messy magnetic field lines like combing hair, so the flaky texture of sea chrysanthemum has a good effect and can be used for crystal degaussing for life.

3: Obsidian has such a strong effect and energy, it seems that only the earth with deep skills can "hold" it, so it should be more suitable for obsidian to use the soil burial method. First of all, we have to choose a relatively clean and quiet place, it is best not to be disturbed, and then bury the obsidian in the ground for three days of purification, and then take it out after three days.

1+1 > 2 ! The magical combination of obsidian and other crystals

Obsidian helps us eliminate negative energy and sickness, and is an indispensable crystal to avoid evil and block evil in life. If you want to improve the unhappiness encountered in your life, you must try the powerful energy of obsidian, so that it can be matched with other crystals to become a fashion accessory in our life.

1/ Obsidian + Lapis ▶ Health Relief
Sands Obsidian is the unique nemesis of the villain in the workplace. With the beautiful blue lapis lazuli, it can relieve tension, let us no longer worry about interpersonal relationships in the workplace, and improve our communication and expression skills, and turn enemies into friends in the workplace!

Campfire Under the Stars | A13 Lapis Lazuli White Crystal Obsidian Bracelet

Campfire Under the Stars | A13 Lapis Lazuli White Crystal Obsidian Bracelet

2/ Obsidian + Orange Agate ▶ Health and stress relief
The calm and low-key obsidian, with the orange agate embellishment, allows us to have the courage to reveal ourselves and express our true thoughts, and moderately restrain the dazzling edge, be patient when we are disappointed, and give full play to our strengths when we are successful. relation.

Coral & Tropical Fish | A15 Lapis Lapis Onyx Obsidian Bracelet

Coral & Tropical Fish | A15 Lapis Lapis Onyx Obsidian Bracelet

3/ Labradorite + Moonstone ▶ Health and stress relief
The golden radiance of obsidian and the blue halo of moonstone reflect each other. In addition to warding off evil spirits, they can release excess negative emotions in the heart, maintain the best state of energy balance in the body, and eliminate all kinds of troubles in life for you.

Indian's Dream Catcher | A44 Obsidian Labradorite White Crystal Bracelet
Indian's Dream Catcher | A44 Obsidian Labradorite White Crystal Bracelet

4. Is it correct to wear obsidian on the left hand?

Wear obsidian on the left hand for protection and enhancement.
1/ Worn on the right hand
Most suggest that the obsidian hand bead can be worn on the right hand to assist in expelling filth from the body. Obsidian is absorbing energy, which helps to absorb its own negative energy.

2/ Wear on the left hand
Generally, crystals are suitable for wearing on the left hand, while those who are sick can wear it on the left hand, so that the obsidian hand beads can follow the direction of the cosmic loop, input energy into the human body, and block bad energy out, so as to achieve the effect of protection and enhancement.

3/ Improve sleep
Wearing obsidian while sleeping can effectively help you fall asleep; or place it under your pillow to avoid nightmares.

4/ Placement
Hang it on a desk or office lamp to block evil spirits; it can be placed in a home or corner of the room.

5. What are the purification methods of obsidian?
Obsidian is an absorbing stone, which can absorb a lot of negative energy, but it will not be cleared, so it needs to be purified once a period of time.

Regularly purify crystal energy for enhanced effects.

1/ Sun purification method
The sun belongs to the positive energy and can bask in all the negative energy in the obsidian.

2/ sea salt, water purification method
It is most convenient to use salt and water to soak; but the salt should avoid adding water, which is easy to cause corrosion. Just put the obsidian in the bag of salt and let it sit for one night.

3/ Geode or cluster purification
It is better to use this method.

6. Summary

I believe that after reading this introduction of obsidian, you will no longer be unfamiliar with the function of obsidian! Obsidian can eliminate negative energy in the body, eliminate fatigue, and eliminate moisture and illness. If you want to improve your protection, wear an obsidian necklace or hand. Beads are right!

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